Find out how evidence for the existence of knowledge of Kundalini can be found in many different cultures and spiritual traditions of the past.
A Brief History of Kundalini
Find out why Kundalini links the mystical traditions of most faiths, and what features they have in common. |
The history and culture of India are permeated with images and references to Kundalini. Here are a few of the most prominent. |
The secret behind both alchemy and magic is Kundalini. |
Although some of the deities and symbols of Kundalini of the Indian tradition have close parallels in the ancient Egyptian culture, it was developed and used for a very different purpose. |
Learn about some of the similarities, and differences, between Reich's ideas about orgone, and the Indian concept of prana. |
Learn about the parallels between 'chi' of the Chinese tradition and prana of the Indian tradition, and the 'backward flowing method'. |
Gopi Krishna was a true pioneer in the field of Kundalini research, and has provided a picture of Kundalini that takes the ideas of the ancient traditions and puts them in a modern perspective.
Find out about some of the references to Kundalini in the Bible. |
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The Purpose of Yoga
What enabled the Egyptians to design and construct the Great Pyramid? How did the ancient Maya develop a calendar more accurate than our own? Gopi Krishna asserts that a new activity of the cerebro-spinal system and the opening of a super-sensory channel in the brain provides the answers to these riddles.